Kicking Off 2023 Well: Home and Organization — Tips on Time Management with ADHD

Many people with ADHD simply don’t feel time in the same way as people without ADHD do.

“The switch is broken,” clinical psychologist Sharon Saline told noted that research has shown that this affects people with ADHD in numerous ways. They have more difficulty in:

  • estimating how time is passing
  • believing time is passing more quickly than it actually is
  • guessing how long a task might take
  • planning to work on future tasks

There are scientifically based reasons for why people with ADHD react differently to time, experts say. One of the most important reasons: Brain processes that help people without ADHD predict time operate very differently in people with ADHD.

But there are ways that people with ADHD can adjust to these differences. It takes some extra work. But they can learn to manage time and deal with tasks in effective ways.

ADHD Online has explored all of this and offered some expert tips in how adults with ADHD can better manage time.

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