8 Time Management Tips for Adults With ADHD

Time management is difficult for everyone at this moment, with so many things to think about and new circumstances in which we find ourselves.

However, it can be especially challenging for those with ADHD.

Here are several strategies experts recommend for helping you manage your time and concentrate on your tasks in the most efficient, effective, and happy way.

  1. Create and keep a detailed daily schedule. Adults with ADHD benefit from having a consistent routine; it creates a structure for one’s life to run more smoothly. For example, many people with ADHD find it helpful to wake up at the same time every day, then take 10 to 20 minutes to prepare your day ahead, or plan the night before and review before you take off for your day. Don’t forget to include free and social time. Go to sleep at the same time, and most importantly, stick to it.  Research shows that our experience of positive emotions is increased when we go to bed at roughly the same time every day!
  1. Use a planner. Use a calendar or a day planner for your Daily Schedule, To-Do List(s), and routines. Try different types of planners, digital, physical, or large calendars, and stick with the one that best works for you. Don’t forget to mark important events such as work, kid’s practices, family reunions, birthdays, and appointments.  It is relaxing to know that it’s all there!
  1. Prioritize. Write down your tasks and your to-do lists and order them by priority. Mark the five most important things to do so you won’t focus on the wrong tasks. Get one done, and move to the next one. Also, remember to break work into smaller, more manageable chunks.
  1. Use timers. Set timers on your phone, set your timer for 45 minutes of work followed by five or ten-minute breaks.
  1. Limit distractions. Adults with ADHD realize the need to cut down distractions as much as possible to better focus and get things done. Try using white noise, or anything that can’t divert your attention; if you don’t have a private office, move yourself to a quieter location away from the main traffic in your office, or use noise-canceling headphones. 
  1. Be there on time. Allow a wiggle room when commuting or having an appointment; check how long it will take to get there. Add a cushion of time to the commute to get to your appointment.

“Early is on time, on time is late”

Vince Lombardi
  1. Develop Sense of Time. It is challenging to know if there is enough time to finish a presentation the morning before a meeting or take a call before picking up your kids from school or making a “quick stop” before you get to the doctor’s office. Double or even triple the amount of time you think it will take to do something, and plan accordingly. Stick to a plan and don’t stop at the dry cleaners before that doctor’s appointment. 
  1. Plan your meals for the week. This one is a bit of a hurdle, but it can bring lots of advantages and satisfaction. The best time to do this is when you have a moment of quiet time for yourself.  Find an ADHD-friendly system to plan your meals and help you put dinner on the table.

Adults with ADHD have often had ADHD since their youth, but it may not be diagnosed until later in life. If you are wondering if you have ADHD, we can help.

We make ADHD assessments easy. Our online platform allows adults and children to be evaluated from the comfort of home with instant 24/7 access, no referrals, and minimal cost. Our assessment also includes screening for anxiety and depression. The results, provided by a doctorate-level psychologist, are accepted by doctors, schools, and employers across the country.

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Join Our ADHD Research Study

Mentavi Health is conducting ADHD research and is accepting a limited number of participants. Participants in our clinical study will get an ADHD Assessment at no cost. 

Who can join?
  • Age 19+
  • Primary language is English
  • Not previously diagnosed with ADHD
  • Not a current patient of ADHD Online or Mentavi Health
  • A resident of any of the 50 US states or DC (not including Puerto Rico or other territories)
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Your involvement will help improve mental health care for everyone.

Live support will be unavailable during regular business hours on Monday, January 20. You can always submit a request or leave a voice message. We’ll get back to you when we return.

Please note: Our clinicians have individual holiday schedules. Check with yours for their availability during the holidays.

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