Aren’t we supposed to be paperless by now?!
Life today is busy. Many of us are not able to live life to our full potential and struggle to reach our goals on a daily or weekly basis. Organize 365® believes this may be due to a lack of organization in the home stemming from ADHD barriers. Join us in the second webinar of our series with Organize 365®’s as we dive into how to define and achieve organization at home:
In this third webinar we will dive into the Weight of Paper:
1. Why are we not living in the paperless future that was promised to us?
2. What is the benefit to writing down our thoughts, to dos and ideas?
3. How can we create simple systems to be able to retrieve our papers when we need them?
4. How much paper do we actually need to keep and why?
Paper is powerful. We can have LESS paper,but we will never in America be paperless. Once we embrace these realities, we can develop realistic expectations & simple systems to collect and retrieve your most important ideas and papers in minutes.
Organize 365 believes organization is a teachable and learnable skill. Join us as we discuss what may be keeping you from getting organized and how to overcome those barriers.
Lisa Woodruff is a productivity and home organization expert motivating and teaching busy women to take back control of their lives with functional systems that work. She’s the founder and CEO of Organize 365® and is the host of the top-rated podcast featured as Woman’s Day podcast of the month she shares strategies for reducing the overwhelm, clearing the mental, and living a productive and organized life. She has authored several Amazon bestselling books and is a sought-after trainer and speaker.
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