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Stimulants and Cardiovascular Issues: What You Need to Know

ADHD stimulant medications do not increase risk of heart attack, stroke, or sudden cardiac death in children, teens, or adults without serious heart problems, says research.

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Non-Stimulant Treatment Options for ADHD: What to Know

Explore non-stimulant ADHD treatments in our free webinar with experts Dr. Barry Herman and Lakeisha Love. Learn benefits, side effects, and ask your questions!

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ADHD in the News

CMO featured by on Adult ADHD Diagnosis Tips

Discover the emotional journey and treatment options for adults diagnosed with ADHD. Seek the right help and stay in treatment for a better life.

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Tyler Page and Not Growing
Out Of It

Discover Tyler Page’s journey with ADHD in his books Raised on Ritalin and Button Pusher. Celebrate ADHD Awareness Month with Refocused, Together podcast!

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Binge Eating Disorder & ADHD: An Unexpected Link

Discover the complex link between ADHD and Binge Eating Disorder with insights from Dr. Barry Herman. Watch our Q&A replay and get $23 off your assessment!

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Pharmacist giving pills to customer
ADHD in the News

ADHD Medication Errors Surge: A Critical Look

Alarming 300% rise in ADHD medication errors from 2000 to 2021. Experts highlight dangers, causes, and preventive measures for parents and caregivers.

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In a webinar, ADHD Online experts discussed links between ADHD and coexisting conditions such as depression, anxiety and insomnia. Here are the highlights.

October Webinars Provide Expert Advice on Range of ADHD Issues

Join ADHD Online’s webinar series this October for ADHD Awareness Month. Experts will discuss ADHD, coexisting conditions, binge-eating disorder, depression, and non-stimulant medications.

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Alcohol and Cannabis Can Be Dangerous for People With ADHD

Alcohol, Cannabis and ADHD: What You Should Know

ADHD increases the risk of substance use disorders. Learn how impulsivity and self-medication with alcohol or cannabis can impact ADHD symptoms and treatment.

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A frustrated woman is chatting with her mental health doctor. She is giving her some advice on how to deal with the complexities of life.

Relax! Stimulant Meds for ADHD Do Not Lead to Substance Abuse

Stimulant medications for ADHD don’t increase substance abuse risk; untreated ADHD does. Proper treatment reduces self-medication and substance abuse likelihood.

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Join Our ADHD Research Study

Mentavi Health is conducting ADHD research and is accepting a limited number of participants. Participants in our clinical study will get an ADHD Assessment at no cost. 

Who can join?
  • Age 19+
  • Primary language is English
  • Not previously diagnosed with ADHD
  • Not a current patient of ADHD Online or Mentavi Health
  • A resident of any of the 50 US states or DC (not including Puerto Rico or other territories)
Why participate?
Your involvement will help improve mental health care for everyone.

Provide this form to your local practitioner. You could:

  • Send this link
  • Email the pdf
  • Print it out and bring it to your appointment

Ask your practitioner
to complete the form

In this form, your practitioner will request that ADHD Online continue to provide uninterrupted care

Return the form to us

You or your practitioner can return this form to us via email or fax it to 616-210-3118