Assessment Referral

We proudly partner with Primary Care Providers to bring our secure and comprehensive online ADHD Assessment to patients. We offer an ADHD diagnosis or exclusion, screen for related conditions such as Anxiety, Depression, Binge Eating Disorder, and Problematic Social Media Use, and provide Medical Treatment. We believe everyone should have access to mental health care.

Our Smart Assessment

Our rigorous Smart Assessment questionnaire uses reactive logic based on a number of leading clinical frameworks. This allows us to collect pertinent information in a comprehensive and thorough fashion – at the patient’s pace – while removing barriers of access for the patient.

Licensed psychologists analyze each Assessment and, if appropriate, provide a diagnosis consistent with clinical criteria. Our Smart Assessment is available in all 50 states and results are delivered within 5 days. We currently offer Medical Treatment in 40 states while seamlessly supporting patients who wish to take assessment results back to their own providers.

Our Assessment Process

Refer your patient to us for an ADHD Assessment.

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Your patient can take the Assessment wherever, whenever they choose and at their own pace.

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A licensed psychologist will review the Assessment and create 2 reports:

  • Patient report: includes a diagnosis or exclusion of ADHD as well as the results of our screenings for anxiety, depression, binge eating disorder, and problematic social media use.
  • Physician report: sent directly to you, includes recommended next step for you and your patient in addition to a diagnosis or exclusion of ADHD as well as the results of our screenings for anxiety, depression, binge eating disorder, and problematic social media use.
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Your patient may return to you for treatment or explore treatment with our network of physicians.

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Refer your patient

Refer your patient

We adapt to your needs

Option 1: Fill out this form and our referral coordinator will reach out to the patient with next steps.

Option 2: Complete a referral through your EMR and submit via digital fax to us at 616-210-3004.

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We're here to work with you

Our primary goal is to streamline access to mental health care for patients and providers alike. We’ve developed a flexible system so you can choose the level of partnership you prefer: we can assess patients, assess and offer treatment, assess, offer, and manage treatment, or any combination that works for you and your patient.


We believe that the mind and body are interconnected

We encourage our patients to get annual physical exams, and we seek to foster regular communication between our providers, our patients, and the rest of the patients’ care teams.  We strongly believe that the best care is possible only through a well-connected team of care providers.  


The DEA may require in-person exams for some telemedicine treatment plans 

If you anticipate that your patient may receive telemedicine treatment with ADHD Online, you may wish to complete the in-person referral form now to ensure uninterrupted treatment regardless of changes with DEA requirements at the end of November 2024. Note that some states may already require a referral on file.

We believe that the mind and body are interconnected. We encourage our patients to get annual physical exams, and we seek to foster regular communication between our providers, our patients, and the rest of the patients’ care teams.  We strongly believe that the best care is possible only through a well connected team of care providers.  
