For many, the winter months bring an air of lethargy. It’s gloomy, it’s cold (for some more than others), and the craze of the seasons usually means that our regular goings-on fall by the wayside. And while all of this can cause spurts of disinterest for anyone, if you find your symptoms are prolonged, it could be something more.

What’s observed as “hibernation” in the natural world is, in the human world, referred to as seasonal affective disorder (SAD), or “seasonal depression,” and it affects millions of people during darker winter months. Believed by some to be triggered by changes in serotonin and melatonin levels, your “winter blues” start to creep into the area of SAD if your symptoms of sadness and anxiety, irritability, lack of interest and focus, sleep irregularities, and even weight gain begin to influence your daily life.
Fortunately, there are methods you can implement to navigate the wave of winter and come out on the other side (hello, spring!).
Maintain a consistent schedule
Shorter days mean less sunlight, which can often mean time blindness. Combat this by keeping regular wake and sleep times to stabilize your body’s internal clock. Try waking up and going to bed at the same time each day, including weekends. This regularity can improve both sleep quality and mood.
Stay connected with society
While SAD can make you want to isolate, staying involved and active with your social circle is crucial. Schedule regular meetups with friends, join winter activities or groups, and stay in touch with loved ones through calls or video chats. The most effective support can often exist in the form of those closest to you.
When you can, spend daylight hours in natural light
Even on cloudy days, natural light exposure is beneficial. Take a morning walk, have your coffee by a window, or arrange your workspace near natural light. When Mother Nature allows, do some physical activity outdoors during daylight hours — your brain and your body will thank you.
And when you can’t, mimic natural light with light therapy
It’s a plan B for natural light, but it’s a highly regarded one. Light therapy — the use of a special light box that mimics natural light — is the most established treatment for SAD. Quick-acting and not time-consuming, people often see results of light therapy within two to four days. Every morning, 15 to 30 minutes.
Tip: Not all light boxes are created equal, so look for one that provides 10,000 lux of light and filters out harmful UV rays.
Exercise and eat well
Physical activity is particularly effective against SAD symptoms. Aim for 30 minutes of moderate exercise a few days each week. The good news here? The weather isn’t a factor: Double up on natural light exposure and exercise outdoors (win-win), or enjoy indoor activities like yoga, pilates, or strength training equipment when the weather does not permit.
Few conversations about physical exercise fail to also mention nutrition, which influences many things, including mood. Focus on complex carbohydrates to increase energy levels; omega-3-rich foods to improve cognitive function and memory; and vitamin D-rich foods to make up for any deficiency you may experience during times of the year with less sunlight.
Tip: It’s not only about what you’re eating but also when. By regulating meal times, your body is better able to maintain stable blood sugar levels.
Be intentional about your environment
We’re not making this a nature vs. nurture thing, but there’s something to be said for an intentional and curated space and its effect on your mood and mindset. Make your indoor spaces bright and airy: open curtains and blinds, trim trees that block sunlight, and paint walls in lighter colors. Make space for the feel-good hormones.
If you need more help, seek it
Whether you’ve explored every option or none at all, finding and working with a mental health professional is hugely beneficial no matter the season. They can offer things like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), strategies to manage negative thought patterns, support in maintaining healthy habits, and medication management when appropriate.
As you explore ways to overcome SAD, explore what else might be going on with the Mentavi Mental Wellness Snapshot. It’s a meaningful act of self-care and a great way to see what else might be affecting your mood this winter.