5 tips for managing anxiety during the election cycle

About 73% of U.S. adults feel particularly anxious about the upcoming election cycle.

Introducing relatively high levels of uncertainty, elections are, by nature, anxiety-producing events. But our current election season has been producing more anxiety for Americans than ever before. 

Black woman at voting booth during US elections.

Do you have symptoms of anxiety?

While a certain amount of anxiety is part of life for all of us, living in a heightened state of anxiety for an extended period of time isn’t good for anyone. Feeling persistent worry, increased irritability, difficulty sleeping, or dealing with daily headaches, muscle tension, and fatigue are all symptoms of anxiety to watch out for as we move toward November.

What can we do?

Anxiety will do its best to pop up daily, if not several times a day, between now and November. But using these tools can help put it back in its place and help you find more ease.

1. Limit and manage news exposure

This tip appears on every list and for good reason. Taking in a never-ending cycle of news, polls, pundits, and reports is like drinking from a firehose for our brains. Overwhelmed with updates and struggling to parse through details can send us into a spiral. If we don’t step away and take a break, we can end up feeling as if there is no way out. If cutting back on your media intake also creates spikes in anxiety for you, try these tips:

  • Take a break when your anxiety symptoms increase. Sometimes that quick reset is all you need.
  • Try to delay refreshing your feed. If you normally check the headlines every half hour, try going an hour and see how that feels. The more space you give yourself, the better.
  • Select a handful of sources to give up. Start with the ones that you find to be least helpful or informative–or the ones that cause you the most stress.

2. Contribute positivity

Anxiety thrives in avoidance and inaction. So try doing the opposite. Consider ways that you can positively contribute–not just to the election but to your community as a whole. For example:

  • If you want to get involved in the election, consider canvassing for your favorite candidate or volunteering to work the polls on election day.
  • If you want to get a break from the election, visit your local library or community center and see if they need help or volunteer at your children’s school.

3. Lean into mindfulness

When the world is loud around you, reclaiming the quiet in your mind can help. If you’ve never meditated or practiced mindfulness before, it’s very easy to start small. Here are a few ways:

  • Set a timer for a minute and just sit and focus on your breath until the timer rings.
  • Concentrate on a somewhat mundane task, like washing the dishes. Pay attention to the feeling of the water and the movement of your hands to give your brain a rest.
  • Try one of the popular meditation apps out there for a more guided experience.

4. Move your body

You’ve likely seen the headlines that physical activity is just as good for your mental health as it is for your body. It’s all true and incredibly useful during this season. Take a walk, go for a run, try a new exercise class, or find a workout routine online. The endorphins you create will make everything feel more manageable.

5. Focus on what you can control

Anxiety thrives on uncertainty which is why elections can feel particularly tricky for those of us with ADHD, Anxiety, or Depression. Just like with any other situation that makes you feel anxious, try talking back or questioning your anxiety. Rather than thinking about the worst-case scenario, think about how likely that scenario is and remind yourself of the tools you have to cope with it. 

We can’t eliminate the uncertainty and we can’t control all aspects of the cycle we’re in. But we can change how we respond to them and protect our own mental health.

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