Mental Health

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ADHD Medication Shortages

Adderall Won’t Solve It All: Thriving with ADHD Despite Medication Shortages

Brandy Butler, NBC-HWC, LVN  The national shortage of ADHD medications like Adderall® and Vyvanse® has caused stress for many people …

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ADHD Online Press Releases

Mentavi Health Expands Diagnostic Evaluation Approach to Address Broader Range of Mental Health Conditions

Comprehensive online evaluation and dynamic questionnaire backed by clinical psychologists enable accurate mental health diagnosis and treatment. Mentavi Health has …

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Attn Attentive Women: June is Men’s Mental Health Month

By Shawn Gauthier Antiquated but true: In the realm of healthcare, women often take the lead, ensuring their partners stay …

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Exploring Bias in ADHD Diagnosis: Are Gender Discrepancies Overlooked?

Explore our extensive ADHD analysis: Despite historical biases, our data reveals less than a 1% gender difference in adult diagnoses. Discover more at Mentavi Health. #ADHD #mentalhealth

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Black Pioneers in the American Field of Mental Health

Celebrate Black History Month by honoring the trailblazing contributions of Black professionals in psychiatry, psychology, counseling, and therapy who have shaped mental health care and advocated for minority communities.

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Keith Boswell and
Discovering His Calling

Don’t miss the final episode of Refocused, Together 2023 with Keith Boswell, VP of Marketing for Mentavi Health & ADHD Online. Tune in for his inspiring story!

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ADHD Online Press Releases

Mentavi Health Launches Integrated Loneliness Screenings, Enhancing Mental Health Support

Mentavi Health introduces a loneliness screening in its comprehensive mental health evaluations, addressing ADHD, anxiety, depression, and more. Learn more at

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Emmanuel Abua and Putting the Pieces Together

Emmanuel’s journey with ADHD and autism highlights his advocacy for neurodiverse communities. Discover his inspiring story and insights on ADHD and autism awareness.

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Join Our ADHD Research Study

Mentavi Health is conducting ADHD research and is accepting a limited number of participants. Participants in our clinical study will get an ADHD Assessment at no cost. 

Who can join?
  • Age 19+
  • Primary language is English
  • Not previously diagnosed with ADHD
  • Not a current patient of ADHD Online or Mentavi Health
  • A resident of any of the 50 US states or DC (not including Puerto Rico or other territories)
Why participate?
Your involvement will help improve mental health care for everyone.

Provide this form to your local practitioner. You could:

  • Send this link
  • Email the pdf
  • Print it out and bring it to your appointment

Ask your practitioner
to complete the form

In this form, your practitioner will request that ADHD Online continue to provide uninterrupted care

Return the form to us

You or your practitioner can return this form to us via email or fax it to 616-210-3118