Australian musician Louis Inglis has a great way to think about his work that helps him finish up and move on. Listen to this episode of Refocused, Together to hear him share that with you.
Australian musician Louis Inglis has a great way to think about his work that helps him finish up and move on. Listen to this episode of Refocused, Together to hear him share that with you.
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Lindsay Guentzel (00:04):
Welcome back to Refocused with Lindsay Guentzel. What you’re listening to today, it’s a little bit different than the podcast episodes we’ve shared with you before. This episode, this person’s story is a part of Refocused Together, a special series the team at ADHD Online and I have been working on for ADHD awareness month. Every day throughout the month of October, we’ll be sharing a different person’s ADHD story, which is fitting because the theme for ADHD awareness month this year is understanding a shared experience. And I can’t think of a better way to really get a sense of that shared experience then by telling a different story every single day. And to be clear, yes, that’s 31 stories in 31 days. My name is Lindsey Guentzel. and along with the team at ADHD Online, I’m so excited to present, Refocused Together a collection of stories aimed at raising awareness on just how complex ADHD is and the different ways it shows up in people’s lives.
When we share stories, it’s easier to find the perspective ideas, and tips that help us live our best lives. I’m interviewing people with bearing backgrounds, diagnoses, experiences, and perspectives. We’ll hear from working parents, advocates, engineers, writers, PhD candidates, and more to learn that while we may be different, we are all united by our own ADHD journeys. This special project is very near and dear to my heart, and although talking to 31 different people has been a lot of talking, I am so grateful for each person who shared their story with me, and I cannot wait for you to meet my guests and get to know them. Be sure to subscribe to Refocused with Lindsay Guentzel so that you don’t miss a single story this month. And with that, let’s get on to today’s episode. I just have every guest start off by introducing themselves.
Louis Inglis (02:10):
All right. My name’s Louis Inglis. I’m a guy and a musician from Perth, Australia. I have ADHD. I was recently diagnosed, so that’s been something to think about. Yeah. How’s that? Is that enough?
Lindsay Guentzel (02:31):
It was perfect. I mean, you really don’t need an introduction. So, I’ve been saying the last name correctly, but you go by Louis. It’s Louis, right?
Louis Inglis (02:40):
No, no, it is Louis. It is Louis, just with the French spelling. I’m not French though, but-
Lindsay Guentzel (02:46):
Oh my gosh. I’ve been calling you Louis. I’m so sorry.
Louis Inglis (02:49):
I get this being a theme throughout my life, so it’s not a problem.
Lindsay Guentzel (03:01):
Each time you listen to the Refocused podcast, you hear the work of Louis Inglis. He’s a songwriter, musician and producer from Perth, Australia who combines charming imaginative songs with vivid sonic textures and arrangements. And he was also diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 39, after going back to school. And the course he was taking, well, he struggled with a lot of the work. But this time, it seemed a little more than the usual uphill climb to get things done and stay organized. But he never considered ADHD to be what got in his way since he didn’t fit the stereotype of a hyperactive person. After learning about the inattentive type of the disorder, he decided to seek out a diagnosis in 2020. And now, Louis is discovering ways to balance the rhythms of his daily life and the outside world so that he can live more harmoniously. I am so excited to introduce you to today’s guest on Refocused Together, Louis Inglis.
There was a moment when we were discussing guest ideas for 31 episodes in the month of October, and very quickly, we decided we wanted to share the story of the person who created the theme song. All of the music that you have been hearing on Refocused over the last six months was created by the gentleman you’re going to meet now. And I have to tell you all this because as someone with ADHD, and I imagine that most of you who are listening also have ADHD, you will be able to commiserate, empathize, both probably a different point. So, we connected on Twitter. I was very adamant that one of the things I wanted was to use as many people with a near diversity as possible as we were creating the podcast, and that meant finding someone to create music. We needed music. I threw a tweet out there. It got retweeted.
I connected with who I was calling Louis in Perth, Australia. Now, here’s the really hysterical thing, Louis, is that I was concerned about pronouncing your last name. And as a producer, as a journalist, I did a deep dive trying to find any place on the internet where you introduced yourself. And I was looking for the last name. Lo and behold, the entire time, I’ve been pronouncing your first name wrong. It is Louis, not Louis. At some point in time, I will go back and probably change things because that’s just how my brain works, but the hysterical part of being so hell bent on making sure that I pronounce your last name wrong, that I never even for a second pause to think that I could be pronouncing your first name wrong, but you say it happens a lot.
Louis Inglis (05:58):
It happens a lot. And I’m myself guilty of pronouncing my last name wrong. I think we sort of had our last name… It’s meant to be Inglis. That’s how it is. It’s like from Scotland or something, but we never sort of got that memo. I don’t know. I think that’s what my grandparents, how they pronounced it, but I think my dad just went with the flow of how people were pronouncing it around him, so we just always said English. But yes, it’s Louis, but that’s fine. I get Louis often.
Lindsay Guentzel (06:30):
I am really happy that I have found out this information. There was a point where I was like, “I’ll just email him and I’ll ask him how to pronounce his last name.” But of course, and you’ll be able to again commiserate and empathize, it was like the night before the first episode it was supposed to launch, and I was like, I don’t have time, the time difference. So, I’ll set the stage. I’m in Minnesota, Louis is in Perth, Australia. There is a massive time change. So, where I am, it’s bedtime. Where you are, it is the start of your day. And so I’m so grateful that you made time for us and I am really excited to learn more about you, because despite the connection that we had early on to create the theme music, we really haven’t had to chat. Everything was done digitally. I sent you what I wanted. You created this incredible collection of themes, and that was it.
Louis Inglis (07:22):
Yeah, no, it was a very easy process and a pleasure to do as well, so thanks for the opportunity for that.
Lindsay Guentzel (07:27):
All right. So, I ask everybody to just start before they were diagnosed. What was kind of the catalyst for you when you started thinking maybe I should look into this thing called ADHD?
Louis Inglis (07:39):
Well, for me, I always had an issue with school and all the regular things that someone with ADHD would have problems with, so I sort of just avoided for most of my life doing much sort of a formal education. But then in 2020, I decided to do a short course, which was just… It was a disability and sort of care course sort of thing. It’s not the most difficult course in the world, but I just found myself just having struggling so much with the coursework. It was fairly straightforward stuff, but I just found all the same problems that I’d always found through school coming back up, and I’d sort of, like I say, avoided doing that sort of thing. And seeing as I’d been doing a little bit of reading about things on the internet, putting some pieces together, for me, it was just like, okay, yeah, I should probably look into this more and see if something can be done about it, because if it’s just impeding my life to this degree, it just seems like,, at this point, that’s just stick of something out basically.
Lindsay Guentzel (08:42):
Well, I think that’s what a lot of people have had those moments where it’s the combination of realization and access to actually ask questions, meaning the internet. I think back to when we were first able to start… I hate saying diagnosing ourselves on the internet, but you could actually ask questions. It opened up a door of possibilities. So, I’m actually really curious on what the process was like for you in Australia. You kind of get this idea, you want to look into it, and then what was the assessment process?
Louis Inglis (09:19):
It was pretty straightforward because I sort of did some research and found a practitioner who specialized in ADHD and autism. I thought I’d get a little bit of an autism assessment because that’s kind of what I’d thought maybe if something was going on, it was maybe that before I found out about inattentive ADHD, which is much more how I would present. So, I went in sort of with that and just contact him privately. Went in for an assessment, over a few sessions. I feel like it was pretty straightforward, pretty by the numbers sort of questions, but he agreed with the ADHD diagnosis at the very least, and he referred me to a psychiatrist. Whole process took probably three or four months maybe, just finding the person, doing the assessments, and then getting the appointment with a psychiatrist. So, I found it pretty smooth overall and it was covered, at least a significant chunk of was covered by our Medicare system.
Lindsay Guentzel (10:19):
And you get this answer to kind of a question you didn’t really know you were asking or that you had been looking into. And what was that whole thing?
Louis Inglis (10:29):
I mean, obviously it’s kind of fairly affirming. It’s nice to have an answer, for now at least. I feel like I’m still so early on in though, so I’m still picking away at how has this affected me throughout my life, what habits have I created in response to it, and how to sort move forward in that way. So, I feel like I’m still very much in that stage, but it is great to know that there’s something that I can do and there’s sort of actions that I can take. That’s the thing that is very good about it.
Lindsay Guentzel (10:57):
You mentioned those habits. We sometimes I think forget to identify what it is in life that we’ve created because it’s coping and it’s not always fun to go, “Oh, I started doing this because all of this other stuff was happening.” What stood out to you as some of the biggest things, or I guess the most noticeable, or stuff I guess at this point you’ve identified?
Louis Inglis (11:25):
It’s still hard to pin down things, especially avoiding certain things, especially avoiding taking on things that would probably have been great to take on just because of the correct assumption that it probably would’ve been difficult to do, bigger projects or anything like that. That’s what I’m sort of contending with now, is actually trying to get myself to take on things that I’ve sort built up a resistance to. And so that’s where I feel I am at the moment.
Lindsay Guentzel (11:54):
I think everyone’s answer of the question though is kind of where they are.
Louis Inglis (11:57):
Yeah, yeah. Totally.
Lindsay Guentzel (12:01):
Do you have some grief? Because it kind of feels like there’s some stuff. And the only reason I ask that is because when you say projects, I imagine that it’s connected to your music, and it’s something you’re passionate about.
Louis Inglis (12:14):
Yeah. Yeah, sort of stuff like I did for your podcast may be stuff that’s a little bit more of a longer term thing or something, working on other people’s music or something or doing things like that because there’s always the problem where it’s like, oh, if I’m not really into this, I don’t know if I can actually focus on it or do a good job with it. Just has so many little barriers that get put up like that, where it’s, I can’t do this because I’m just not going to be able to get interested enough in it to actually do it and I really don’t want to disappoint people because that side of it as well.
Lindsay Guentzel (12:48):
So, it’s interesting because you had the wherewithal to say, “I don’t know that I can commit to this because I don’t know that I’m going to be interested enough. And I don’t want to disappoint people, so I’m going to say no,” where my response is, “I don’t want to disappoint people, so I’m going to say yes, and then I’m not going to be interested in it.” For both of us, it’s a terrible situation to be in.
Louis Inglis (13:11):
It just makes things so uncertain, when you just can’t rely on being able to access the skills that you have in any given moment, it kneads away your self confidence and it kneads away just to your sense of the world because it can be a little bit maddening, for sure.
Lindsay Guentzel (13:28):
I’m curious because we met on Twitter, has social media been an outlet for you?
Louis Inglis (13:33):
Not so much in the past. I did start a TikTok account recently, which may be as silly as that sounds, has been really fun. It’s just been a really low stakes sort of way to express myself, and it seems like a platform which you can express yourself in a lot of different ways. So, that’s been really fun. I found people on there who seem to be interested in what I’m doing musically and stuff, so that’s been a big part of my last year and a half or so. Tend to avoid Facebook and all your Instagrams and whatnot, but yeah.
Lindsay Guentzel (14:06):
I try to avoid Facebook as well.
Louis Inglis (14:09):
It’s just not as inviting, the atmosphere I find.
Lindsay Guentzel (14:13):
I would tend to agree with you, and I think it can be a sludge fest of some not great things and that mindless scroll. You’re like, “Why am I here?”
Louis Inglis (14:24):
Yeah, I mean that definitely exists on TikTok and other things as well. It can be a time suck, so that is something to be aware of. I’ve enjoyed it for its creative outlet anyway.
Lindsay Guentzel (14:33):
I’m curious, when you were diagnosed with ADHD, what was the conversation like in Australia during the pandemic? Because I feel like in the United States right now, the awareness and the number of people talking about it, it’s just booming and in a great way because people are understanding it a little bit better. And so I just wonder if this is something that is happening in other countries because the world and different countries were not immune to the COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdown situations, which is really where a lot of these realizations came from.
Louis Inglis (15:12):
I mean, it gave everyone a chance to just sit with themselves and reflect for a little while. I think it was the same over here. I mean obviously, on the internet… The internet is international and largely American as well, so a lot of those conversations sort of bleed over to here as well, but I think the same thing did happen. I know that in the last two years, since I got diagnosed, another three of my friends have, and there are other ones I still suspect. And I mean sure not everyone can have it, but I think these people do tend to cluster together and I do hear a lot more talk about it.
I think awareness is growing, probably for the good. I mean, that can lead to a little bit of a backlash, I guess, in the sense that people think they’re hearing about it a lot, so they start to sort of retreat back to thinking about it in the ways that it’s been characterized in the past, that sort of trivial diagnosis or something, which I can almost understand from the outside how people can see it that way because it doesn’t necessarily presents itself in a way that screams that there’s something wrong, but it can be really difficult. We don’t have to compare it to other things. It’s its own beast.
Lindsay Guentzel (16:21):
It is its own beast. There are a lot of people who can competently say, “This is my ADHD superpower,” and I’m just not there yet because it has been so destructive in my life. And in similar ways to you, I can see how it has held me back from things that I’ve wanted to do and things that I’m passionate about and things that I know my skills can thrive in. I mean,, it’s a beast. Yeah, you said it. It’s a constant battle. And the thing that I have found so hard is that one day is not like the next and there’s no way to figure out the rhythm.
Louis Inglis (17:03):
Yeah, yeah. You’re just always being caught off step. And obviously if you find the right medication and stuff, that lessens. It doesn’t go away completely. I don’t necessarily think I’ve found the right things yet, but it’s definitely helped.
Lindsay Guentzel (17:16):
Another lovely thing that we all have to deal with. I’d love to talk a little bit about how you see ADHD come out in the music you create.
Louis Inglis (17:27):
It’s definitely the novelty seeking sort of tendencies I think come out a lot. I tend to use a lot of different sounds and experiment with different styles, and I never really settle into a consistent sound or niche particularly, in some ways, but I think generally the tendency is to want to explore with things. Also, especially in the past, it’s sort of bouts of hyper focus and what not have led to me really drilling fairly deep on certain things and getting quite detailed with the things I’m working on. Although just I find as I get older, I have less and less desire to push yourself to that degree, sort of want to take things in more manageable chunks, but that’s on the positive side. I guess on the negative side is I’ve always had a trouble with the finishing process.
As things reach the end stage, as I’ve had the fun, I’ve explored with the sounds, and now it’s time to just sort of package it up, trim the tails and dot the I’s and cross the Ts, that’s where I start to really have historically really struggle with actually finished with that process, is it can drag on. It’s not the inspiring fun part. It’s the part where you just have to be quite measured and you have to be quite patient. And so it has taken me a long time just to get past that stage in the past. I’ve definitely started to get better at it. Since being diagnosed, I’m sort of learning more to chip away at it and sort of where to set my expectations at that stage of the process. It’s still a challenge, for sure.
Lindsay Guentzel (18:57):
It’s something that a lot of people have repeated that I’ve heard, and it’s interesting to hear from another person in a different line of work about its… The creative part is your shiny object and that’s what keeps you coming back. It’s what drives you. And then at some point you have to go, “Oh yeah, I also have to do this part, which I don’t enjoy as much,” but I love that you’re aware of it and you feel like you’re doing a better job of it, because I think sometimes it’s very hard to focus on the fact that you aren’t perfect at it, that you haven’t just flipped a switch and have changed that part of your life.
Louis Inglis (19:36):
The sort of evidence bears it out. I have actually managed to release a few things in the last year, so that’s good. I also have kind of a distrust of an opinion that I maybe had yesterday. So, it’s really hard to have a listening session or something and say, “Ah, yes, that’s good. I’m happy for that to go out into the world. I just need to do a few more things to it.” And then I find myself just unable to do that few more things and be like, yesterday’s Louis was an idiot because I don’t feel that way about it today. So, it’s just really, really hard to trust that, make a decision in one point in time, and then just go, okay, I made the decision now just to follow through. It’s always relitigating these things.
Lindsay Guentzel (20:12):
It’s a little your own version of perfectionism.
Louis Inglis (20:16):
There’s definitely some perfectionism going on. Yeah.
Lindsay Guentzel (20:19):
Which is definitely very ADHD.
Louis Inglis (20:21):
Yeah. Try and cap it at 70%. If it’s 70% good enough, then it’s good enough.
Lindsay Guentzel (20:26):
But is your 70% an actual 70%, or is your 70% your 100 and you’re trying to get it to 130?
Louis Inglis (20:35):
Maybe. I try and imagine a sort of generalized 70%, and then just sort of imagine getting it 30% better if I just made my life hell. Then I can go, “Okay, well I’m not going to do that, I’ll just leave it at 70%.”
Lindsay Guentzel (20:48):
I’m wondering with your diagnosis and everything that you’ve learned and you’re continuing to learn and the changes that you’ve made, what is making you hopeful right now? Are there things that you want to try as far as treatment? And when I say treatment, I don’t necessarily just mean medication. Treatment can be adding things into your life, like more alarms or exercise or a better sleep hygiene, a to-do list. Everyone’s treatment plan kind of looks different because how ADHD shows up is different and how you want your life to change is different than the person next to you.
Louis Inglis (21:29):
For me, it’s very much just adding some stuff and seeing what sticks. I am really trying to sort out my sleep at the moment. I think that’s my little project right now, just try and always have enough sleep if I can manage it because that’s been a problem before. That’s always tricky. I’m trying melatonin at the moment and seeing if that does anything. It seems to be working. I’m not a 100% sure. I feel like I’m in this weird transitional point where I’m not quite reaching out for these new things, trying to get these new things. Started trying to get myself to take on new things, but I haven’t quite jumped into it yet, just sort of preparing myself,
Lindsay Guentzel (22:05):
Which I appreciate, because when I was diagnosed, I literally dove head first in, and then came up for air and was like, “Whoa.” So, it’s interesting, again, to go back to how complex ADHD is and how it shows up so different for every person. It’s so interesting when I find someone who is a little less impulsive than I am.
Louis Inglis (22:27):
I’ve had moments of impulsivity in my life, but I think I’m definitely not on the impulsive thing so much. My way of doing it is probably to overthink the thing before I even get to the point where I would have to make the decision. So, I think that’s where the ADHD comes in, is the sort of overthinking of all the different options, and then just being paralyzed when it actually comes to action.
Lindsay Guentzel (22:48):
And how do you feel in that moment when you get there and you know what it is because you’ve had it before?
Louis Inglis (22:54):
How do you mean so?
Lindsay Guentzel (22:55):
The paralyzing part, how does that make you feel?
Louis Inglis (22:58):
I don’t think there’s much good to be said about that. Yeah, it’s just not as much of problem nowadays. There has been thought spirals just going down rabbit holes, just very difficult to judge how to respond to something, just having inconsistent emotional response to things around.
Lindsay Guentzel (23:16):
And I had no means in trying to get you to answer these questions, put you on the spot. I just-
Louis Inglis (23:20):
No, no, it’s fine.
Lindsay Guentzel (23:21):
I hear from so many people who need to hear from somebody like you. You know what I’m saying? I talk to people constantly who can’t put it into words and-
Louis Inglis (23:32):
Well, I’m struggling to put it into words, but, well, I’m doing my best.
Lindsay Guentzel (23:35):
You’re doing a great job. I’m curious, have you’ve been able to open up to people in your life about this?
Louis Inglis (23:45):
Not as much as I should, really. Definitely with my mom and stuff like that, I think definitely haven’t talked it in detail with her. I think she sort of goes to a place of like, “Oh, well, we didn’t realize anything that was wrong,” and makes her feel bad about it or whatever. It feels strange to talk about myself as though I sort of have something. It can tend to be a little bit awkward for some reason. Yeah.
Lindsay Guentzel (24:09):
What right now is exciting you in life?
Louis Inglis (24:12):
Look, I wouldn’t say that I’m the most excitable person, but just the idea of being able to do more of what I like, hopefully maybe make some money off that as well. It’s always just being about working on music or other art type projects for me. So, I’m just hoping if I just keep making consistent steps forward day by day, stay sort of relatively calm and centered in my life, that I’ll be able to actually capitalize on that opportunities, if and when they arise, more consistently than I have been able to in the past. So, I’m not getting too excited, but I’m just trying to chip away it.
Lindsay Guentzel (24:50):
Tell me a little bit about your life as a musician. Have you always loved music? When did you start creating it?
Louis Inglis (24:57):
Started as a teenager in the nineties. It was around the time of Nirvana, all that sort of music, so that made music seem possible. It always seemed firstly not me. It just sort of seemed like something I wouldn’t be able to really do. So, just the fact that all this stuff was a little bit more ramshackle, sounding a little bit more seemed like something you could actually do kind of got me through the door of starting to do it. And just kind of really slowly, I didn’t have any big ambitions to start off with. I just sort of learned the songs that were around, and I, at the time, play them on guitar, started playing them with a friend. And then we started of recording ideas and eventually just started writing some songs and things. It just sort of continued that, got more into the recording side of it.
My dad had a studio. He had a company that made jingles for TV and radio, so we had a studio at a time where home studios and things weren’t quite as common as they are now. So, I got into that side of it, It just sort of progressed and evolved. It’s something I didn’t get bored of because there are so many sides to it. There are so many ways to approach it. You can come at it from songwriting and performing, playing live, recording. It can be abstract sounds, it can be structured pieces, and you never sort of bounced out of being interested in it because it was just focused on a different aspect of it.
Lindsay Guentzel (26:17):
So, I have this realization the other night because I’ve been kind of beating myself up. This project was way harder than I thought it was going to be. And I have another life that’s not podcasting. I cook on TV. And everyone’s always said, “How did you get started doing that?” And I was like, “Well, I just wanted to cook on TV. And so I learned how to do it and I kept getting better at it. And I kept learning what not to do and what to do at certain times, and I kept getting invited back.” And I had this moment where I was like, I learned all of that on my own. I stuck to that. And what I want to pass along to you, as you are in the midst of figuring out so much, is you did all of that with music. What you just described to me was you found something you were passionate about and you made it happen.
And I know the weight of your diagnosis and everything that comes along with that can be very, very overwhelming, but I don’t want you to lose sight of the fact that you are incredibly talented because you put that work in. And I just want to pass that along because I was blown away by working with you. It was such a flawless, seamless partnership, collaboration. I literally opened up the demo reel you had sent over with all of these incredible ideas, but I knew instantly which one it was going to be. And then you came back with all of these incredible sounds for us to use, and I’ve been incorporating all of them throughout this month. And I want you to know how appreciative I am of how much you put into that because it is so wonderful and it makes me so happy. And I just want to pass that along.
Louis Inglis (28:10):
Oh, thank you. That’s very nice of you to say. It was a pleasure to work on. I’m a podcast listener, so I have fairly strong opinions on what podcast music should be like, so it was really fun to do. I’m happy to do anyone’s podcast music if they’re out there wanting it.
Lindsay Guentzel (28:23):
Well, I will include all of the info and how they can get in touch with you. I didn’t ask this earlier, and I should have, when you were a kid, was ADD or ADHD talked about in schools?
Louis Inglis (28:36):
I’m just a bit older than when people were starting to be diagnosed. And I definitely remember being fairly young when it started to be a word that was used. My memory of it, about most of the discussions and things that I heard was mostly people being concerned about drugging kids and let the kids be kids. And it definitely seemed to be mostly a negative thing, which is a pity. That definitely led into thinking about it just throughout my life. The friend who’s been diagnosed very recently, and we would kind of joke about him being a bit ADHD. Just because of how it’s sort of being portrayed, you don’t sort of think of it as being particularly serious or something that really actually maybe should be looked into, because it could help.
Lindsay Guentzel (29:22):
Last thing I want to ask… I’ve asked every guest if they could change one narrative or one misconception that the public has about ADHD. Is there something that stands out for you?
Louis Inglis (29:37):
I think sort of the emotional dysregulation side of it as being part of ADHD, because I don’t think people really think of that as being part of it. It mirrors the side of it the people are more familiar, like with the attention and the sort of inconsistency. I don’t know if that’s like that for everyone, but it can definitely exist like that with your emotions as well. And that’s probably the thing that makes it the most difficult to live with, and just anxiety as well that that causes. Overall, I’m just not sure that people really understand just what it is generally, just how it sort of touches everything in your life. From the outside, it’s hard to see the shape of it in someone else because it’s difficult to explain. People who have it are often bad at explaining it and don’t know what it is that’s like, don’t really understand what’s wrong.So, it can be quite easily misrepresented, I think. And I mean, maybe is a tough one to sort of really explain to the public at large. I don’t know. But it’s good that the people who can benefit from help find things that explain it to them and sort of explain their life to them a little bit.
Lindsay Guentzel (30:38):
Well, Louis, it was such a pleasure to chat with you, to kind of meet you officially. I appreciate your candor and thoughtfulness and your willingness to come on here and talk about something that you’re still figuring out. And I think that there is actually a lot of power in that. I think it’s really powerful to remind everyone that we are all still figuring this out, regardless of how confident we are in talking about it. And I’m really grateful to you for coming on and being vulnerable because it can be hard to be vulnerable with people around you, let alone a stranger who lives halfway across the world.
Louis Inglis (31:21):
Oh, well, sometimes easier with the stranger from around the world.
Lindsay Guentzel (31:43):
A huge thanks to Louis Inglis, not only for joining us on Refocusd Together, but for creating the amazing music that you’ve been hearing over the last couple of months on Refocused. To learn more about Louis and the work he’s doing or to hire him for your own podcast, I’ve included all of those links in the show notes.
There are so many people to thank for making Refocused Together happen. The entire team ADHD Online, Zach Booker, Dr. Randal Duthler, Tim Gutwald, Keith Brophy, my teammates, Keith Boswell, Susanne Spruit, Claudia Gatti, Melanie Meyrl, Paul Owen, Kirsten Pipp, Sissy Yee, Trisha Mirchandani, Lauren Radley, Kory Kearney, and Mason Nelle, and the team at Deksia, Hector and Kenneth and the team at Smack Media, Cameron Sterling and Candace Lefke, Camilla Eden, Lauren Terry, Sarah Gelbard, Phil Roderman, Jake Bieber, and Sarah Platanitis. To find out more about Refocused Together or to share your story with me, head over to and check out the ADHD Awareness Month page, which highlights this project as well as each day’s episode after they’ve been released. You can also find out more by following along on social @lindsayguentzel and @refocusedpod.
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